Welcome to my website! I am humbled, honored and excited by your visit. My name is John Sablan, a child of God, a devoted husband and father and Catholic speaker, author, evangelist and podcaster.

Answering the call to evangelize, it is my goal to inspire others to come to a deeper love and knowledge of our Catholic faith in order to better serve God, the Church and the world. It is in this speaking ministry that I hope to share the story of God’s love in my life to motivate you to live out a life of faith with zeal, fervor and fire!
By day, I fulfill the role of a technology security executive. I have my BS in Computer Information Systems as well as a Masters of Business Administration with 30 years of management and leadership experience. From a ministry perspective I have over 15 years of experience both at the parish and diocesan level. I received a graduate certificate in theology from Augustine Institute and am a life professed Third Order Dominican.
I am the co-founder and president of World Ablaze Incorporated which is a Catholic apostolate focused on evangelization and discipleship. I have been blessed to be interviewed on EWTN, Ave Maria and Sacred Heart Radio programs as well as partner with Shalom World TV to co-host the “Real Men” series with the Dynamic Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers. I have also been a part of Paradisus Dei’s “That Man is You” parish series (multiple years) as well as co-developed with Cardinal Studios the 20 day series “What’s Holding You Back?!” for men.

From "Broken to Blessed"
As a survivor of all forms of abuse, I know first hand the struggle one may have with embracing God or our Catholic faith. In my own journey, I have experienced many hardships in life and walked around broken and wounded looking for healing. Unfortunately, most of those attempts to heal were not in seeking the God of consolation but rather in the what the culture and world offered as methods to “heal”. This, of course, only led to further hurt, not only to myself, but to others around me, especially those I love the most. But through the prayers and fidelity of my wife and children and ultimately through the grace of God I have come to heal tremendously from those childhood wounds in ways that I never fathomed. Now, I stand before you a man of God, a sinner in need of a Savior, forgiven, empowered and on fire for Jesus Christ and His Bride the Church! It is in this ministry that I hope to spread the wonderful message of God’s Mercy and Love and to help others encounter a God who desires nothing more than an intimate relationship with each and every one of us.
As a disciple of Jesus Christ, it is my duty and obligation to bring forth the Good News to all who have ears (and more importantly hearts) to listen.
As a Third Order Dominican and faithful Catholic, I am called to speak the Truth, whether in season or out of season. A sinner myself, saved only by the love of God through Jesus Christ, I have dedicated my life to a ministry of evangelization to share God’s mercy with the world in order to bring glory to God and for the salvation of all souls.
My Core is My Family
Outside of God and my wonderful Catholic faith, my family is my everything. I have been blessed to be married to my beautiful beloved bride Nichole for over 29 years. She is my true helpmate and battle partner. We have three beautiful children Brya, Keoni and Miko and are blessed with their spouses and five wonderful grandchildren.